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Welcome to the Pollinator Web blog! This blog focuses on pollinators and the cast of supporters, like host and nectar plants, as well as how to create your own patch of pollinator paradise.

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northern mockingbird 1 8 PollinatorWeb

The Importance of Birds

“You might already know about some of the ecosystem services birds provide, for instance pollinating your favorite fruits. Here are a few of the more surprising ways birds (metaphorically) keep the world turning.”

  • Bird poop is an important fertilizer
  • They move beneficial spores around
  • They distribute plant seeds
  • They’re pest predators
  • Their nests create habitat
  • They reduce risk of disease

Chuparosa – For the Love of Hummingbirds

“If Arizona’s hummingbirds could vote on a state flower, it would be Chuparosa (Justicia californica).”

Given adequate water, Chuparosa will bloom year round. Also attracts butterflies and is the host plant for the Texan Crescentspot.

Chuparosa blossoms are a fun addition to salads, too, as they taste like cucumbers! 

chuparosa PollinatorWeb
Conservation Buffers Stones2.7a PollinatorWeb

Pollinator Stepping Stones

“Small patches can serve as stepping stones, allowing for species movement between large patches and are important in fragmented landscapes.”

Climate Change and Corridors

“Corridors may be of limited value for biodiversity if climate change occurs at a rate too fast to allow for migration and may end up just benefiting species that are highly mobile and adaptable, including invasive species.”

Climate Change and Corridors2.6a PollinatorWeb
PollinatorCorridorPatchStone PollinatorWeb

Connecting Pollinator Areas

In urban areas, development has fragmented pollinator resources. Homeowners, renters, businesses and governments can all contribute to connecting these resources with patches, corridors and stepping stones.

In December 2020 I started some A. subulata seeds. They started germinating surprisingly quickly, and within a week seedlings were peaking above the peat pods. I recommend starting the seeds in March so the seedlings can go in the ground immediately; they don’t like their roots disturbed.

On a cold November day in 2020, I moved a Queen caterpillar indoors to save it from nighttime freezing temperatures. It was feeding on A. subulata (Desert Milkweed), so I replenished a stock of stems and flowers daily…

The next day the caterpillar became a chrysalis. Nine days later the chrysalis turned dark burgundy, and the following day a Queen was born.

Conoclinium greggii (A. Gray) SmallGregg's Mistflower , Palmleaf Thoroughwort, Palm-leaf Mistflower, Palm-leaf Thoroughwort, Purple Palmleaf Mistflower, Purple Palmleaf Eupatorium
Pollinator Web

Nectar Powerhouse: Gregg’s Mistflower

There is a groundcover species Conoclinium greggii, and a shrubby one, Chromolaena odorata; both have an alkaloid in their nectar that Monarchs and Queens use to attract mates. Add a host plant and let the party get started :-).

“If you were given the choice of only choosing one plant with the purpose of attracting butterflies, this would be the one. If there are butterflies in the area, any species of butterfly, they will be fluttering about on this plant, feeding on the nectar of the mistflower.” -Spadefoot Nursery

“The votes are in for 2020’s Unofficial Pollinator Plant of the Year, and the winner is…Gregg’s mistflower.” –Texas Butterfly Ranch

Flower Power: Asteraceae

If your looking to plant a lot of pollinator punch in your yard, this family acts as hosts to a wide variety of butterflies, including:

Cabbage White, Common Buckeye, Common Checkered Skipper, Dainty Sulphur, Fiery Skipper, Painted Lady, Pearl Crescent, Red Admiral, Hackberry Emperor, Tawny Emperor

Commonly referred to as the aster, daisy, composite, or sunflower family, most species of Asteraceae are annualbiennial, or perennial herbaceous plants, but there are also shrubs, vines, and trees.

Plants in the Asteraceae family include: lettuce, daisies, sunflowers, chrysanthemums, asters, dandelions, goldenrod, coneflowers, thistles, artichokes, sunflowers, dahlias, marigolds, zinnias, asters, chamomile, chicory, sage, tarragon, ragweed, thistle, sagebrush, and yarrow.
Pollinator Web
Lynne's Legacy Texas Sage
Pollinator Web

Lynne’s Legacy Texas Sage

Nectar plant, and host plant for the Calleta Silkmoth and Theona Checkerspot

Tree and Shrub Troubles
greenfly, blackly, caterpillars, canker, vine weevil, leaf spot, leaf miner, galls, fungus
Pollinator Web

Black Spine Prickly Pear

Great nectar plant for native bees

Black Spine Prickly Pear
Pollinator Web
a subulata with queen 11aug2021 1 PollinatorWeb

Queen butterfly on A. subulata (Desert Milkweed)

Phoenix Desert Botanical Gardens

In Phoenix, Asclepias subulata (Desert Milkweed) is especially well adapted

great milkweed growout2021 12 24 06 43 35 PollinatorWeb
Monarch butterfly, chrysalis, caterpillar
Pollinator Web


December 24, 2021

Host Plant: Milkweed

Nectar Plants: Wide variety


December 24, 2021

Host Plant: Milkweed

Nectar Plants: Wide variety

Queen butterfly, chrysalis, caterpillar
Pollinator Web

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