Host Plant Table

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Host Plant Common NameScientific NameButterfly/Moth
Acacia spp DBGAcacia spp
Also includes Vachellia, Senegalia, Mariosousa, Acaciella
Reakirt’s Blue, Marine BlueHubbard’s Small SilkmothMexican Yellow, Mimosa YellowTricolor Buckmoth
Agave sppAgave sppArizona Giant Skipper
American ElmUlmus americanaMourning Cloak
Anacacho Orchid TreeBauhinia lunarioidesSilver-Spotted Skipper
Antelope horns milkweed DBGAsclepias asperulaMonarchQueen
Apache Red GrassPanicum bulbosum, Zuloagaea bulbosaCassus Roadside SkipperTexas Roadside Skipper
ApplesMalus sppWhite-Lined Sphinx
Arizona Beggarticks NSLBidens aureaDainty SulphurSleepy OrangeArizona Metalmark
Arizona CypressCupressus arizonica Juniper Hairstreak
Arizona Foldwing DBG NSLDicliptera resupinataTexas Crescent
Arizona milkweed DBG, NSLAsclepias angustifoliaMonarchQueen
Arizona Rosemallow NSLHibiscus biseptusCloudless Sulphur
Arizona rosewood NSLVauquelinia californicaTwo-Tailed Swallowtail
Arizona ThistleCirsium arizonicumMylitta CrescentPainted Lady
Arizona wrightwort NSLCarlowrightia arizonicaTexas Crescent
Arizona Yucca DBGYucca arizonicaYucca Moth
Ash NSLFraxinus sppTwo-Tailed SwallowtailCalleta Silkmoth
Asters DBGAstersPlants in the Asteraceae family include: lettuce, daisies, sunflowers, chrysanthemums, asters, dandelions, goldenrod, coneflowers, thistles, artichokes, sunflowers, dahlias, marigolds, zinnias, asters, chamomile, chicory, sage, tarragon, ragweed, thistle, sagebrush, and yarrow.Cabbage WhiteCommon BuckeyeCommon Checkered SkipperDainty SulphurFiery SkipperPainted LadyPearl CrescentRed AdmiralHackberry EmperorTawny Emperor
Baby BonnetsCoursetia glandulosa Funereal Duskywing
Baja FairydusterCalliandra californicaCeraunus BlueMarine Blue
Bamboo MuhlyMuhlenbergia dumosaOrange SkipperlingCestus Skipper
Banana Yucca DBGYucca baccataYucca Moth
BeargrassNolina microcarpa Gray Hairstreak 
Beebrush NSLAloysia wrightii
Big Bluestem DBGAndropogon gerardii
Bladderpod, Bladdermallow NSLHerissantia crispaArizona Powdered SkipperTexas Powdered SkipperErichson’s White SkipperNorthern White Skipper
Blanketflower NSLGaillardia sppBordered Patch
Blood Flower, Tropical MilkweedCut back in the winter to prevent Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (OE) parasitesAsclepias curassavicaMonarchQueen
Blue FlaxLinum lewlsiiMexican FritillaryVariegated Fritillary
Blue Grama Grass DBGBouteloua gracilisHualapai BuckmothFiery Skipper
Brittlebush DBGEncelia sppPainted Lady  
BuckwheatEriogonum sppLupine BlueCeraunus BlueRita Dotted BlueAcmon BlueBrown ElfinMormon Metalmark
Bull GrassMuhlenbergia emersleyi Nabokov’s SatyrRed Bordered SatyrMoon Marked SkipperLarge Roadside Skipper
Butterfly PeaClitoria mariana Long-tailed SkipperGolden Banded SkipperDesert CloudywingDorantes LongtailFunereal Duskywing
California BuckthornRhamnus californica Spring AzureGray Hairstreak
Cane BeardgrassBothriochloa barbinodisSlaty Roadside Skipper
Canyon hackleberry DBGCeltis reticulataEmpress LeiliaMourning CloakHackberry EmperorAmerican SnoutRanda’s Eyed SilkmothTawny EmperorQuestion Mark
Catclaw (Acacia)Senegalia sppMexican yellowMimosa YellowReakirt’s BlueMarine Blue
Chapparal HoneysuckleLonicera interrupta Chalcedon Checkerspot
Citrus NSLCitrusGiant Swallowtail
Carrot NSLDaucus carotaBlack Swallowtail
ClematisClematis sppFatal Metalmark
Climbing milkweed vineSarcostemma cyanchoidesQueenSoldier 
Colorado Four O’clock NSLMirabilis multifloraWhite-Lined Sphinx
Cooley bundleflower NSLDesmanthus cooleyiCeraunus BlueReakirt’s Blue
CottonwoodPopulus deltoidesMourning CloakRed-Spotted Admiral
Cowpen daisy NSLVerbesina encelioidesBordered Patch
Creosote NSLLarrea tridentataGeometrid moths (family Geometridae), Bagworm moths (family Psychidae)
Datura NSLDaturaSphinx Moths (family Sphingidae)
Deer Vetch DBG NSLLotus rigidusAcmon BlueFunereal Duskywing
DeerbrushCeanothus integerrimusNais MetalmarkArizona HairstreakSouthwestern Azure (Celastrina echo cinerea)Pacuvius DuskywingCalifornia Tortoiseshell
Desert Agave DBG NSLAgave desertiSandia HairstreakArizona Giant Skipper
Desert Bahia NSLBahia absinthifoliaOwlet Moths (family Noctuidae)
Desert Broom NSLBaccharis sarathroidesFatal Metalmark
Desert Ceanothus NSLCeanothus greggiiNais MetalmarkArizona HairstreakSouthwestern Azure (Celastrina echo cinerea)Pacuvius DuskywingCalifornia Tortoiseshell
Desert Cotton DBG NSLGossypium thurberiGray HairstreakPainted Lady
San Marcos HibiscusGossypium harknesiiPainted LadyGray Hairstreak, and many moth species
Desert Fern DBGLysiloma watsoniiLarge Orange Sulphur
Desert hackberry DBG NSLCeltis pallidaEmpress LeiliaMourning CloakHackberry EmperorAmerican SnoutRanda’s Eyed SilkmothTawny Emperor
Desert Honeysuckle DBG NSLAnisacanthus thurberi, Anisicanthus sppElada CheckerspotArizona checkerspot
Desert HopseedDodonaea viscosa Cinta’s Silkmoth (Rothschildia cincta), Slug Caterpillar Moths (Family Limacodidae)
Desert lavender NSLHyptis emoryiGray Hairstreak
Desert MallowsAbutilon sppArizona Powdered SkipperNorthern White SkipperCommon Streaky SkipperCommon Checkered Skipper
Desert Marigold NSLBaileya multiradiata
Desert Milkweed DBG NSLAsclepias subulataMonarchQueen
Desert Plumbago DBGPlumbago scandensMarine Blue
Desert Rosemallow DBG NSLHibiscus coulteriCloudless Sulphur
Desert Senna DBGSenna covesiiCloudless Sulphur 
Desert SmoketreePsorothamnus spinosusBurns’ Buckmoth
Dill NSLAnethum graveolensBlack Swallowtail
Dogweed NSLThymophylla pentachaetaDainty Sulphur
Dutchman pipevine DBG, NSLAristolochia watsoniiPipevine Swallowtail
Eastern Mohave buckwheat NSL also called Desert BuckwheatEriogonum fasiculata v. polifoliumBernardino Dotted-BlueLupine BlueMormon MetalmarkBehr’s MetalmarkNut-Brown Hairstreak
Evening PrimroseOenothera sppWhite-Lined Sphinx
Fairy duster DBG NSLcalliandra sppMarine BlueCeraunus Blue
Fall False Tansy Aster NSLDieteria asteroides var glandulosa
False Indigo DBG NSLAmorpha fruiticosaSilver-Spotted SkipperSouthern DogfaceGray HairstreakMarine Blue
False TarragonArtemisia dracunculusOld World Swallowtail
Fennel NSLFoeniculum vulgare
Fernball AcaciaAcaciella hirta (Acacia angustissima)Mimosa YellowMexican YellowGold-costa Skipper, Acacia SkipperCeraunus BlueReakirt’s Blue
Flattop & Wright’s DBGBuckwheatLupine BlueCeraunus BlueRita Dotted BlueAcmon BlueBrown ElfinMormon Metalmark
Fleabane NSLErigeron divergensCheckerspot Butterfly species (Chlosyne spp), and the white-lined sphinx moth (Hyles lineata)
Four O’clockMirabilis sppWhite-Lined Sphinx
Giant Sand milkweed DBGAsclepias erosaMonarchQueen
Globemallow DBGSphaeralcea ambiguaCommon Checkered SkipperGray HairstreakPainted LadyWest Coast LadyCommon Streaky SkipperLaviana White SkipperNorthern White Skipper
Goodding VerbenaGlandularia gooddingii Five-Lined Sallow MothVerbena Moth
Golden-flowered Agave DBG NSLAgave chrysanthaSandia HairstreakArizona Giant Skipper
GooseberryRibes spp Hoary Comma
GrapesVitis sppWhite-Lined Sphinx
Green SprangletopLeptochloa dubia, Disakisperma dubium Orange SkipperlingSheep SkipperNysa Roadside SkipperOliveclouded Skipper
Gregg’s Mist Flower NSLConoclinium greggiiRawson’s Metalmark
Graythorn NSLZiziphus obtusifolia
GroundselSenecio spp American Lady
GuajilloSenegalia berlandieriLong-tailed Skipper
Hairy FournwortTetramerium nervosum Tiny CheckerspotTexas CrescentElf
Hairy Mountain MahoganyCercocarpus breviflorusGray Hairstreak 
Hairy wedeliaWedelia hispidaBordered Patch
Hartweg’s twinevine NSLFunastrum cynanchoides ssp. heterophyllumMonarch, Queen
Heart Leaved hibiscus NSLHibiscus cardiophyllusCloudless SulphurMallow Scrub HairstreakGray Hairstreak
Hoary PeaTephrosia sppWhite Striped LongtailValeriana Skipper
Hollyhock NSLAlcea roseaPainted Lady
HoptreePtelea trifoliataGiant SwallowtailTwo-Tailed Swallowtail
Hummingbird Trumpet DBGEpilobium canum
Indian Mallow NSLAbutilon palmeriCommon Checkered SkipperLaviana White Skipper
Indiangrass DBGSorghastrum nutans
IndigoIndigofera sppGray HairstreakReakirt’s BlueSilver-Spotted Skipper
Ironwood DBGOlneya tesotaRawson’s Metalmark 
Justicia spp DBG NSLJusticia sppTiny CheckerspotTexas CrescentPearl Crescent
Kidneywood DBG NSLEysenhardtia sppGray HairstreakMarine BlueArizona HairstreakCeraunus Blue
Lavender ThoughtwortFleischmannia sonorae, Eupatorium sonorae Bordered Patch
Leadwort/white plumbagoPlumbago zeylanicaMarine Blue
Lemonade BerryRhus aromatica Spring Azure 
Lindheimer’s MuhlyMuhlenbergia lindheimeri
Lingum vitae DBGGuaiacum sppGray HairstreakLyside Sulphur
LoverootLigusticum PorteriAnise Swallowtail
Mallows DBGMallows (Spaeralcea, Abutilon)Common Checkered SkipperGray HairstreakPainted LadyWest Coast LadyArizona Powdered SkipperCommon Streaky SkipperLaviana White SkipperNorthern White SkipperWhite Checkered Skipper
Mesquite DBGProsopis sppLeda MinistreakMarine BlueReakirt’s BlueHubbard’s Small SilkmothJuno BuckmothPalmer’s MetalmarkTricolor BuckmothCeraunus Blue depending on species
Mexican Elderberry NSLSambucus mexicanaSpring Azure
Mexican Evening Primrose NSLOenothera speciosa ‘Siskiyou’Primrose MothWhite-lined Sphinx
Mexican Redbud DBGCercis canadensis var. mexicana
Mexican sunflower bushTithonia fruticosaBordered PatchPainted Lady
MilkweedsAsclepias sppQueenSoldier, & Monarch for selected species
Milkweed vineMatelea sppQueen
Mimosa sppMimosa sppReakirt’s BlueMimosa Yellow
Mojave milkweed NSLAsclepias nyctaginifoliaMonarchQueen
Monkey flowerMimulus sppCommon Buckeye
Nashville GrassMuhlenbergia rigida ‘Nashville’
Native Desert Willow NSLChilopsis linearis arcuateRustic SphinxWavy-lined Emerald
Nettles NSLNettlesRed Admiral
New Mexico hopsHumulus lupulus var. neomexicanusMourning CloakQuestion MarkRed Admiral
New Mexico FeathergrassHesperostipa neomexicanaUncas Skipper
New Mexico LocustRobinia neomexicana Funereal DuskywingBoisduval’s Yellow, Golden Banded SkipperMexican YellowSilver-Spotted Skipper
New Mexico thistle NSLCirsium neomexicanumPainted LadyPipevine Swallowtail
OaksQuercus sppArizona SisterRed-Spotted AdmiralRanda’s Eyed SilkmothDull FiretipIlavia HairstreakARIZONA SISTERSleepy DuskywingJuvenal’s Duskywing
Ocotillo NSLFouquieria splendensCalleta SilkmothGeometrid moths (family Geometridae), and Slug Caterpillar Moths(family Limacodidae)
Odora NSLPorophyllum gracileDainty Sulphur
Old man’s beard NSLClematis drumondiiFatal Metalmark
Oneseed JuniperJuniperus monosperma Juniper Hairstreak
Paleface hibiscus NSLHibiscus denudatusCloudless Sulphur
Palmer’s Agave DBG NSLAgave palmeriSandia HairstreakArizona Giant Skipper
Palo BlancoMariosousa willardianaMarine Blue butterfly (Leptotes marina) and moth larval food plant for the various Owlet Moths (family Noctuidae), and Geometer Moths (family Geometridae)
Palo VerdeParkinsonia sppGreat Purple Hairstreak—on the mistletoe, and for the tree itself, Tricolor BuckmothHubbard’s Small SilkmothOwlet MothsTortrix Moths (Family: Tortricidae)
Parish Goldeneye DBGViguiera parishiiBordered Patch
Parry’s Agave DBG NSLAgave parryiSandia HairstreakArizona Giant Skipper
Passionvines DBGPassiflora sppGulf FritillaryVariegated FritillaryMexican Fritillary
Pelatazo NSLAbutilon incanumCommon Checkered SkipperLaviana White Skipper
Parry’s False Prairie CloverMarina parryi Southern Dogface
Penstemons DBGPenstemonsCommon BuckeyeVariable CheckerspotOwlet Moths (family Noctuidae), Geometrid moths (family Geometridae), Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Perennial Rockcress NSLBoechera perennans,Spring WhiteCabbage WhiteDesert Marble / Pearly MarbleSara Orange TipCheckered White
LimberbushJatropha cardiophylla Cinta Moth (Rothschildia cincta)
PurslanePorulaca sppWhite-Lined Sphinx
PhysicnutJatropha cuneata Cinta Moth (Rothschildia cincta)
Pine-leaf Milkweed DBG, NSLAsclepias linariaMonarchQueen
Pink Flamingo MuhlyMuhlenbergia x ‘Pink Flamingo’
Plains BristlegrassSetaria macrostachya Nysa Roadside Skipper
Prairie Clover DBG NSLDalea sppFiery SkipperReakirt’s BlueSouthern DogfaceGray Hairstreak
Primrose NSLOenothera macrocarpa 
Prunus spp (Cherry, plum, peach, etc)Prunus sppGlover’s SilkmothRed-Spotted Admiral
Purple Threeawn DBG NSLAristida purpureaSeveral species of Skipper and Satyr butterflies
Rabbit Brush DBGEricameria nauseousus syn. Chrysothamnus nauseosusRabbitbrush Webbing MothNorthern CheckerspotSagebrush CheckerspotIpsilon Dart
RagweedAmbrosia sppBordered Patch
Regal Mist Grass DBGMuhlenbergia capillaris ‘Regal Mist’
RockcressArabis perennansCabbage White 
RueRuta graveolensGiant Swallowtail
Ruellia DBG NSLRuellia sppCommon BuckeyeTexas CrescentTropical BuckeyeCuban CrescentBanded PeacockMalachiteWhite Peacock 
Rusby’s StonecropGraptopetalum rusbyiXami Hairstreak
Saltbushes DBG NSLAtriplex spp.Western Pygmy BlueMohave SootywingSaltbush Sootywing
San felipe dogweed NSLAdenophyllum porophylloidesDainty Sulphur
Sanddune wallflowerErysimum capitalumCabbage White 
Santa Rita AcaciaMariosousa millefolia, Acacia millefolia Marine Blue
Satintail GrassImperata brevifoliaClouded Skipper
Schott’s Agave DBG NSLAgave schottiiSandia HairstreakArizona Giant Skipper
Schott’s Yucca DBGYucca schottiiYucca Moth
Seepwillow NSLBaccharis salcifoliaFatal MetalmarkElada Checkerspot
Senna spp DBGSenna sppCloudless SulphurSleepy OrangeSouthern DogfaceMexican YellowBoisduval’s Yellow
Shrubby False MallowMalvastrum bicuspidatum Westcoast LadyDesert Checkered SkipperTropical Checkered Skipper
Shrubby Indian mallow NSLAbutilon abutiloidesCommon Checkered SkipperLaviana White Skipper
Sideoats Grama DBG NSLBouteloua curtipendulaHualapai BuckmothElissa Roadside SkipperSheep SkipperOslar’s Roadside SkipperBronze Roadside Skipper
Sierra Queen Anne’s LacePerideridia parishiiAnise Swallowtail
Silver BindweedConvolvulus equitansPainted Crescent
Skeleton-leaf Goldeneye Viguiera stenolobaMuscosa Sphinx MothGeometrid moths(family Geometridae), Giant Leopard MothHypocrisias Tiger MothSilkworm Moth
Slender janusia NSLJanusia gracilisFunereal DuskywingWhite Patched SkipperBrown Banded Skipper
Snapdragon vine NSLMaurandya antirrhinfloraCommon Buckeye
SnoutbeanRhynchosia spp White Striped LongtailCeraunus Blue
Soaptree Yucca DBGYucca elataYucca Moth
Sonoran everlastingPsuedognaphalium leucocephalumAmerican Lady
Sunflowers NSLHelianthus sppBordered Patch
Sweetbush DBG, NSLBebbia juncea
Tahoka daisy, Tansyleaf Aster NSLMachaeranthera tanacetifoliaSagebrush CheckerspotBordered PatchPearl Crescent
TenazaHavardia pallensMarine BlueCeraunus Blue
Texas EbonyEbenopsis ebanoCeraunus BlueOrange Sulphur
Texas PersimmonDiospyros texana Gray Hairstreak 
Texas Ranger DBG NSLLeucophyllum sppCalleta Silkmoth, Theona Checkerspot
Texas Tuberose DBGManfreda maculosa
TickcloverDesmodium spp Dorantes LongtailSilver-Spotted SkipperDesert Cloudywing, Northern cloudy wing
TomatoLycopersicon sppWhite-Lined Sphinx
Toumey’s Agave DBG NSLAgave toumeyanaSandia HairstreakArizona Giant Skipper
Blood Flower, Tropical Milkweed
Cut back in the winter to prevent Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (OE) parasites
Asclepias curassavicaMonarchQueen
Turpentinebroom DBGThamnosma montanaBlack Swallowtail
Turkey Tangle Frog FruitLippia nodiflora, Phyla nodiflora Phaon CrescentTropical Buckeye
Utah Agave DBG NSLAgave utahensisSandia HairstreakArizona Giant Skipper
Velvet MesquiteProsopis velutinaCeraunus Blue, Marine Blue, Reakirt’s Blue, Palmer’s Metalmark, Leda Ministreak
Vine Mesquite GrassPanicum obtusum Dotted Roadside Skipper
Watson’s Dutchman pipevine DBG, NSLAristolochia watsoniiPipevine Swallowtail
Western BetonyStachys coccinea Painted Lady
Western mugwortArtemisia ludovicianaPainted LadyAmerican Lady
Western SoapberrySapindus drummondii Soapberry Hairstreak
White Evening Primrose, Tufted Evening Primrose NSLOenothera caespitosa
White Prairie AsterSymphyotrichum falcatum var. commutatum Pearl Crescent
White stem milkweed DBG, NSLAsclepias albicans)MonarchQueen
Whitewhooly twinipStemodia durantifoliaCommon BuckeyeTropical Buckeye
Wild carrot NSLDaucus pusillus
WillowsSalix sppGlover’s SilkmothMourning CloakRed-Spotted Admiral
Wolfberry NSLLycium spp
Wright’s buckwheat NSLEriogonum wrightiiLupine BlueCeraunus BlueRita Dotted BlueAcmon BlueBrown ElfinMormon Metalmark
Wright’s milkpeaGalactia wrightiiMarine BlueFunereal DuskywingLong-tailed SkipperSilver-Spotted SkipperWhite Striped Longtail
Wright ThimbleheadHymenothrix wrightii Dainty Sulphur
YarrowAchillea millefoliaPainted Lady
Yellow Sweet CloverMelilotus officinalisReakirt’s Blue 
Yellow BellsOrange Jubilee, EsperanzaTecoma spp Hartweg’s Sphinx MothRustic SphinxFlorestan Sphinx MothCalleta Silkmoth, and several Crambid Moths (family Crambidae)
YuccaYucca sppYucca Giant SkipperUrsine Giant Skipper
Butterfly and Moth Host Plants List

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