Recommended Plants

The list of plants that grow in the Southwest and can serve as host or nectar plants can be overwhelming. Selecting plants for your garden is made even more difficult by the dizzying array of plants sold at box stores.

If you’re serious about supporting pollinators, you can whittle down the list by removing plants that have been hybridized for color, plants that take a lot of water to make it through the summer heat, and plants that have been treated with pesticides to increase their beauty and shelf life.

Regarding pesticides, ask a store attendant if they can definitively say that their plants are pesticide free. Unless, of course, the label on the plant explicitly states that no pesticides were used. Neonicotinoid pesticides are especially harmful, and can stay in the plant for a season or more. As an aside, this also means that you shouldn’t use pesticides in your pollinator garden either – here is a list of common pesticides. For more information on the effects of pesticide use, see About Pesticides.

To make your job easier, the tables below contain a select set of plants that are recommended for low desert gardens by the Maricopa Pollinator Pathway project and Arizona native plant nurseries.

For Albuquerque residents, check out the following plants links:

I’m starting off with Host plants, since these are the backbone of a pollinator garden, and some double as nectar plants as a bonus! Add annual and perennial nectar plants to fill out the garden space and keep all of the pollinators fed.

You can search for plant names here:

Native, Nativar, Cultivar

“Most cultivars, including nativars, are propagated by cloning, so that each plant has the same genetic makeup as the parent plant, and so on. A cloned cultivar has a set genetic package. Sometimes these clones go on to participate in the natural reproductive cycle by cross-pollinating with other true natives, sometimes they do not.”

Smart Plant Tags

Each laser engraved smart tag showcases the plant’s pollinator-attracting properties, ensuring you make informed choices when designing your garden.

From native flowering plants to nectar-rich blooms, every plant tag becomes a symbol of support for our precious pollinators.

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Look for these icons:

  • Great Nectar Plant
  • Great Bird Habitat
  • Great for Native Bees
  • Super Host
  • Keystone Species
  • PW Recommended
    (these plants are usually easy to purchase and scale nicely in a backyard garden)
Host Trees
Ash, Fraxinus velutina
Size: 40′ tall and wide
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Deciduous, Susceptible to Ash decline
Host for: Two tailed swallowtail, Calleta silkmoth,
Great ash sphinx moth, Sonoran sphinx moth,
Geometrid moth Calleta silkmoth, Great ash sphinx moth,
Sonoran sphinx moth, Geometrid moth

Catclaw Acacia, Senegalia greggii
Size: 12′ – 20′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Note: Thorny, flowers are fragrant, elevations below 4500′
Host for: Mexican yellow, Mimosa yellow, Reakirt’s blue, Marine blue, several species of moth
Citrus, Citrus sp.
Size: Varies
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Giant Swallowtail
Desert Willow, Chilopsis linearis
Size: 15′ – 40′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Deciduous
Host for: Rustic sphinx moth, Geometrid moths
Plant Tag: YES
False Indigo, Amorpha fruticosa
Size: 12′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Shrub or Tree, photo by Max Licher
Host for: Silver spotted skipper, Southern dogface, Gray hairstreak, Marine blue, Tortrix leaf roller moth, Pyralid moth
Ironwood, Olneya tesota
Size: 30′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Native bees are the primary pollinator
Host for: Rawson’s metalmark
Mexican Elderberry, Sambucus mexicana
Size: 9′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Shrub or Tree
Host for: Owlet moth, Melipotin moth, Spring Azure
Native Desert Willow, Chilopsis linearis arcuata
Size: 15′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Not as easy to find as other species of Desert Willow
Host for: Rustic SphinxWavy-lined Emerald, Geometrid moths
Oaks, Quercus spp
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Arizona White Oak, Canyon Live Oak, Belota, Gambel’s Oak, Gray Oak, Silverleaf Oak, Chinquapin Oak, Mexican Blue Oak, Dunn’s Oak, Sandpaper Oak, Netleaf Oak, Tourmey Oak, Scrub Oak
Host for: 208 caterpillar species
Palo Verde, Parkinsonia spp
Pines, Pinus spp
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Arizona Pine, Border Pinon, Pinon Pine, Chihuahua Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Southwestern White Pine
Host for: 156 caterpillar species
Sonoran Kidneywood, Eysenhardtia orthocarpa
Size: 20′ tall x 10′ wide
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Shrub or Tree, Fragrant flowers
Host for: Arizona hairstreak, Marine blue, Ceraunus blue, Gray hairstreak
Thornbush Wolfberry, Lycium exsertum
Size: 12′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Full to part sun, Leaves come and go with cold, beginning of summer, or drought
Host for: Mexican Agapema Silkmoth, Sphinx moths, Prominent moths, Crambid Snout moths
Velvet Mesquite, Prosopis velutina
Size: 25′ – 50′ tall
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Deciduous
Host for: Marine blue, Reakirt’s blue, Ceraunus blue,
Palmer’s metalmark, Leda ministreak, Hubbard’s small silkmoth, Tricolor buckmoth, Juno buckmoth, Owlet moths, Geometrid moth, Bagworm moths, Mesquite clearwing moth
Plant Tag: YES
Willows, Salix spp
Size: 8′ – 60′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Peachleaf Willow, Arroyo Willow, Arizona Willow, Goodding’s Willow, Yew-leaf Willow – characteristics vary by species. Can be allergenic
Host for: 176 caterpillar species
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: 
Host ShrubsIncludes Sub-shrubs and Perennials
Arizona Milkweed, Asclepias angustifolia
Size: 2′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Protect from afternoon sun in low desert
Host for: Monarch, Queen
Plant Tag: YES
Willow Ragwort, Barkleyanthus salicifolius
Size: 4′ – 8′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: American Lady
Arizona Foldwing, Dicliptera resupinata
Size: 2′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native  
Host for: Texas Crescent
Arizona Rosemallow, Hibiscus biseptus
Size: 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Cloudless Sulphur, Yellow scallop moth, Geometrid moth
Arizona Rosewood, Vauquelinia californica
Size: 15′ high x 10′ wide
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Slow growing, multi-trunked
Host for: Two-Tailed Swallowtail
Arizona Wrightwort, Carlowrightia arizonica
Size: 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Spiny, often leafless
Host for: Texas Crescent
Butterfly Weed, Asclepias tuberosa
Size: 2′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Notes: No milky sap, not the same as tropical milkweed
Host for: Monarch, Queen
Texas Sage, Barometer Bushes, Leucophyllums
Size: 3′ – 8′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native and hybrids
Notes: Bloom around periods of rain (sporadic blooming),
L. frutescens is native
Host for: Calleta Silkmoth, Theona Checkerspot
Beebrush, Aloysia wrightii
Size: 3′ – 6′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Rustic sphinx moth
Bladderpod, Heressantia crispa
Size: 2′ tall
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Notes: Trailing perennial subshrub
Host for: Arizona Powdered SkipperTexas Powdered Skipper
Erichson’s White SkipperNorthern White Skipper
Chuparosa, Justicia californica
Size: 4′ tall x 6′ wide
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Hummingbirds love the flowers, reseeds readily
Host for: Tiny checkerspot, Texas crescent, Pearl crescent
Colorado Four O’clock, Mirabilis multiflora
Size: 3′ high x 3′ wide
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Fast growing, can be used as ground cover
Host for: White-Lined Sphinx
Cowpen Daisy, Verbesina encelioides
Size: 2′ – 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Nectar for 46 bee species
Host for: 11 caterpillar species
Creosote, Larrea tridentata
Size: 6′ high x 8′ wide
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Irrigated plants are more lush and grow faster
Host for: Geometrid moths (family Geometridae), Bagworm moths (family Psychidae)
Curlycup Gumweed, Grindelia squarrosa
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Nectar for 37 bee species
Host for: 15 caterpillar species
Dalea species
Size: Varies widely
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Arizona has 32 species, Dalea pulchra pictured
Host for: Reakirt’s Blue, Southern dogface, Gray Hairstreak
Desert Broom, Baccharis sarothroides
Size: 12′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Get Male plants to prevent reseeding, excellent nectar plant
Host for: Flower moth, Owlet moth, Desert Broom Gall moth
Desert Ceanothus, Ceanothus greggii
Size: 3′ – 6′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Nais MetalmarkArizona Hairstreak, , Pacuvius Duskywing,
Southwestern Azure (Celastrina echo cinerea) California Tortoiseshell, geometrid moths, Owlet moth, Cecrops eyed silkmoth, Prominent moth
Desert Cotton, Gossypium thurberi
Size: 6′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Gray HairstreakPainted Lady
Desert Hackberry, Celtis pallida
Size: 6′ – 12′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Thorny, inconspicuous flowers, provides shelter for bees, birds and butterflies
Host for: Empress LeiliaMourning CloakHackberry Emperor
American SnoutRanda’s Eyed SilkmothTawny Emperor
Desert Honeysuckle, Anisacanthus thurberi
Size: 6′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Elada CheckerspotArizona checkerspot
Desert Marigold, Baileya multiradiata
Size: 1′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Reseeds easily, Nectar for 40 bee species
Host for: Dainty Sulphur
Plant Tag: YES
Desert Milkweed, Rush Milkweed, Asclepias subulata
Size: 4′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Tap root
Host for: Monarch, Queen
Plant Tag: YES
Desert Rosemallow, Hibiscus coulteri
Size: 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Cloudless Sulphur, Yellow scallop moth, Geometrid moth
Desert Senna, Senna covesii
Size: 20 inches
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Sleepy orange,  Cloudless Sulphur

Eastern Mojave Buckwheat,
Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium

Size: 18 inches tall x 2′ wide
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Bernardino Dotted-BlueLupine BlueMormon Metalmark,
 Behr’s MetalmarkNut-Brown Hairstreak, Ceraunus Blue,
Rita Dotted Blue, Acmon Blue, Brown Elf
Evening Primrose, Oenothera spp
Size: 6 inches – 1′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Notes: Good nectar plant for bees too
Host for: White-lined Sphinx moth
False Tansy Aster, Dieteria asteroides
Size: 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Hooded Owlet moths, Flower moths
Four Wing Saltbush, Atriplex canescens
Size: 3′ – 8′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Inconspicuous flowers
Host for: Western Pygmy Blue, Mohave Sooty Wing, Saltbush Sooty Wing, Geometric Moth
Globemallows, Sphaeralcea spp
Size: 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: 17 species in AZ 
Host for: West Coast Lady, Painted Lady, Common Checkered Skipper, Small Checkered Skipper, Great White Skipper
Graythorn, Ziziphus obtusifolia
Size: 8′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Inconspicuous flowers, spines, Tree or Shrub
Host for: Pyrrha’s Prominent Moth
Gregg’s Mistflower, Conoclinium greggii
Size: 18 inches
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Notes: May freeze to ground in winter, but hardy to 0 degrees, butterfly magnet
Host for: Rawson’s Metalmark
Heart Leaved Hibiscus, Hibiscus cardiophyllus
Size: 1′ – 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Part shade best, grows in gravelly or caliche soils
Host for: Cloudless SulphurMallow Scrub HairstreakGray Hairstreak
New Mexico Thistle, Cirsium neomexicanum
Size: 6′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: spines
Host for: Nais Metalmark, Arizona Hairstreak, Southwestern Azure, Pacuvius Duskywing, California Tortoiseshell
Odora, Porophyllum gracile
Size: 18 inches – 2′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Dainty Sulphur, Owlette Moth
Paleface Hibiscus, Hibiscus denudatus
Size: 18 inches – 2′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Part shade
Host for: Cloudless Sulphur, Yellow Scallop Moth, Geometrid Moth
Parish’s Goldeneye, Bahiopsis parishii
Size: 4′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: California Patch, Bordered Patch
Perennial Rockcress/Mustard, Boechera perennans
Size: 20″
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Spring White, Cabbage White, Desert Marble, Pearly Marble, Sara Orange Tip, Checkered White
Pineleaf Milkweed, Asclepias linearis
Size: 18 inches – 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: MonarchQueen
Pink Fairy Duster, Calliandra eriophylla
Size: 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Ceraunus Blue, Marine Blue, Melipotis moths
Prairie Acacia, Acaciella angustissima
Size: 3′ – 4′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: No spines, colonizes by woody rhizomes
Host for: Several sulfurs, skippers, and blues and the Raspa Silkmoth
Rabbitbrush, Chrysothamnus depressus, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: (nectar plants) 39 bee species rely on these plants
Host for: 
Rubber Rabbitbrush, Ericameria nauseosa, Parry’s Rabbitbrush, Ericameria parryi
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: 29 bee species rely on these plants
Host for: 17 caterpillar species
Rue of the Mountains, Thamnosma texana
Size: 1′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Black swallowtail
Sacred Datura, Datura wrightii
Size: 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Extracts from this plant and its relatives are narcotic and, if ingested, potentially lethal.
Host for: Pink Spotted Hawkmoth, Rustic Sphinx Moth, Five Spotted Hawkmoth
San Felipe Dogweed, Adenophyllum porophylloides
Size: 8 inches – 20 inches
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Dainty Sulphur
Seep Willow, Baccharis salicifolia
Size: 6′ – 10′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Not a willow, but a member of the aster family
Host for: Fatal MetalmarkElada Checkerspot, Tiger Moth
Shrubby Deervetch, Lotus rigidus
Size: 1′ – 2′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Acmon blue, Funereal duskywing
Shrubby Indian Mallow, Abutilon abutiloides
Size: 2′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Arizona Powdered Skipper, Northern White Skipper, Common Streaky Skipper, Common Checkered Skipper, Bird Dropping moth, Owlet moth, Crambid Seed moth
Spreading Fleabane, Erigeron divergens
Size: 18 inches – 2′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Part shade, more of an herb
Host for: Hooded Owlet moth, Flower moth
Sticky Snakeweed, Gutierrezia microcephaly, Broom Snakeweed, Gutierrezia sarothrae
Size: 1′ – 4′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Nectar for 46 bee species
Host for: 15 caterpillar species
Sunflowers – Western Sunflower, Helianthus anomalous, Nuttall’s Sunflower, Helianthus nuttanallii
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Nectar for 56 bee species
Host for: 58 caterpillar species
Superstition Mallow, Abutilon palmeri
Size: 5′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Arizona Powdered Skipper, Northern White Skipper, Common Streaky Skipper, Common Checkered Skipper, several species of moth
Sweetbush, Bebbia juncea
Size: 4′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Short lived
Host for: Tiger moth, Tortrix moth
Tahoka Daisy, Machaeranthera tanacetifolia
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Nectar for 32 bee species
Host for: 7 caterpillar species
Triangle Leaf Bursage, Ambrosia deltoidea
Size: 2′ -3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Pioneer plant for xeric soils, nurse plant for Saguaro, Allergenic
Host for: Bird Dropping Moth (Ponometia erastrioides) and some Geometer moths
Verbenas, Verbena spp
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Fine-lined Sallow moth, Verbena moth
Western Goldenrod, Solidago lipids, Missouri Goldenrod, Solidago missouiensis
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Nectar for 25 bee species
Host for: 48 caterpillar species
White Sa, Western Mugwort, Artemisia ludoviciana
Size: 18 inches – 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Painted Lady
White Stemmed Milkweed, Asclepias albicans
Size: 6′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Queen, Monarch
Willow Ragwort, Barkleyanthus salicifolius
Size: 4′ – 8′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: American Lady
Wild Petunia, Ruellia nudiflora
Size: 1′ – 2′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Herb growth habit
Host for: Common Buckeye, Tropical Buckeye
Willows, Salix spp
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Notes: Peachleaf Willow, Arroyo Willow
Host for: 176 caterpillar species
Wolfberry, Lycium sp.
Size: 9′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Notes: 10 species in AZ, spiny, nectar rich flowers, sprawling shrub
Host for: Mexican Agapema Silkmoth, Sphinx moth, Prominent moth, Crambid moth
Wright’s Buckwheat, Eriogonum wrightii
Size: 2′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Host for: Lupine Blue, Ceraunus Blue, Rita Dotted Blue, Acmon Blue, Brown Elfin, Mormon Metalmark
Yarrow, Achillea millefolia
Size: 1′ – 3′
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Notes: Moderately high water
Host for: Painted Lady
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: 

Host Vines
Clematis, Clematis spp
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Fatal Metalmark
Hartweg’s Twinevine, Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. heterophyllum
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Monarch, Queen
Old Man’s Beard, Clematis drumondii
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Fatal Metalmark
Passionvine, Passiflora spp
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Gulf Fritillary, Variegated Fritillary
Slender Janusia, Janusia gracilis
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Funereal Duskywing, White Patched Skipper, Brown Banded Skipper
Snapdragon Vine, Maurandella antirrhiniflora
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Common Buckeye
Southwestern Pipevine, Aristolochia watsonii
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Pipevine Swallowtail

Host Grasses
Cane Bluestem (Cane Beardgrass), Bothriochloa barbinodis
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Slaty Roadside Skipper
Grama Grasses, Bouteloua spp
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Skippers
Muhlenbergia spp
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Skippers
Purple Threeawn, Aristida purpurea
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Skippers and Satyrs butterflies
Side Oats Grama, Bouteloua curtipendula
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Several species of skippers , Hualapai Buckmoth, Viened Ctenucha moth
Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for: Skippers

Flowering Season: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Host for:

Smart Plant Tags

Gardens and Landscapes: Transform your garden into a gallery of personalized narratives, providing valuable information to both seasoned gardeners and curious visitors.

Public Spaces and Parks: Enhance the educational aspect of public spaces by introducing engraved tags. Create interactive learning experiences that engage and inform visitors about the diverse flora and fauna in the area.

Commercial Landscapes: For businesses looking to add a touch of sophistication to their outdoor spaces, and to communicate your commitment to nature.

Nature Reserves and Conservation Areas: Support conservation efforts by providing informative markers in nature reserves. Raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and conservation.

Educational Institutions: Create interactive outdoor classrooms by incorporating our tags into educational institutions. Foster a love for nature and a thirst for knowledge among students of all ages.

Create your custom tags today – available in our Shop!


Maricopa Native Seed Library: Maricopa Pollinator Pathway

Pollinator Partnership. Selecting plants for pollinators. Regional guide, American semidesert and desert province. Retrieved from 

Southwest Desert flora. 2020. Retrieved from

Southwest Monarch Study. Low desert Monarch waystations and butterfly gardens. Retrieved from

Spadefoot Nursery, 2020. Retrieved from 

Xerces Society, Monarch Butterfly Nectar Plants Lists for Conservation Plantings. Retrieved from 

Desert Survivors Butterfly Larval Host Plants

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  1. George@PW says:

    George’s Spring 2022 native plant wish list:
    1 – 3 gallon size preferred

    Prairie Acacia, Acaciella Angustissima
    Desert Broom, Baccharis sarothroides, MALE (can be ordered from Richard’s Garden Center)
    Ceanothus greggii, Desert Ceanothus
    Heart Leaved Hibiscus, Hibiscus cardiophyllus
    Shrubby Indian Mallow, Abutilon abutiloides
    White Stemmed Milkweed, Asclepias albicans
    FALSE INDIGO (AMORPHA FRUTICOSA) (May be available in summer from Richard’s Garden Center)

    Waiting to hear back from Desert Survivors nursery in Tucson…

  2. George@PW says:

    In 2021:
    Gregg’s Mist Flower – Richard’s Garden Center
    East Mojave Buckwheat, Arizona Milkweed, Pineleaf Milkweed – Summerwinds on Tatum

  3. Pam says:

    For those in the East Valley area, I was able to find asclepias linaria (pineleaf), asclepias augustfolia (Arizona) and Gregg’s Mistflower at Whitfill’s Nursery in Gilbert a year ago in spring.

  4. George@PW says:

    Spotted at Summerwinds Tatum today:
    Eastern Mojave Buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum v. poliofolium)
    Dalea Pulchra
    Vauqulinea California (Arizona Rosewood)

  5. George@PW says:

    February 12, 2022
    Richard’s Garden Center in Phoenix has a couple more Gregg’s Mistflowers in stock!
    Also a great selection of Passionvines if you’re looking to support the Fritillarys.

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  1. George@PW says:

    George’s Spring 2022 native plant wish list:
    1 – 3 gallon size preferred

    Prairie Acacia, Acaciella Angustissima
    Desert Broom, Baccharis sarothroides, MALE (can be ordered from Richard’s Garden Center)
    Ceanothus greggii, Desert Ceanothus
    Heart Leaved Hibiscus, Hibiscus cardiophyllus
    Shrubby Indian Mallow, Abutilon abutiloides
    White Stemmed Milkweed, Asclepias albicans
    FALSE INDIGO (AMORPHA FRUTICOSA) (May be available in summer from Richard’s Garden Center)

    Waiting to hear back from Desert Survivors nursery in Tucson…

  2. George@PW says:

    In 2021:
    Gregg’s Mist Flower – Richard’s Garden Center
    East Mojave Buckwheat, Arizona Milkweed, Pineleaf Milkweed – Summerwinds on Tatum

  3. Pam says:

    For those in the East Valley area, I was able to find asclepias linaria (pineleaf), asclepias augustfolia (Arizona) and Gregg’s Mistflower at Whitfill’s Nursery in Gilbert a year ago in spring.

  4. George@PW says:

    Spotted at Summerwinds Tatum today:
    Eastern Mojave Buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum v. poliofolium)
    Dalea Pulchra
    Vauqulinea California (Arizona Rosewood)

  5. George@PW says:

    February 12, 2022
    Richard’s Garden Center in Phoenix has a couple more Gregg’s Mistflowers in stock!
    Also a great selection of Passionvines if you’re looking to support the Fritillarys.

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