Low Desert Blooms for Pollinators in February2023 is starting off as a promising wildflower bloom season in the desert, but what’s blooming in the garden as pollinators begin to celebrate the warmer weather? You may be surprised!Some of the following plants, by the book, are early to flower, but keep in mind that even small changes in elevation, sun exposure, and heat absorbing walls and stone can create microclimates that enable exceptional results.Aloe spp – Attracts HummingbirdsAngelita Daisy – Nectar plant, seeds provide food for birdsArizona Foldwing – Great nectar plant for bees and butterflies. Host plant for the Texas CrescentBaja Fairy Duster – Attracts Hummingbirds, great nectar source for bees and butterflies, host for the Marine Blue.Blackfoot Daisy – Nectar loving insects like bees and butterflies love the flowers, and seed-eating birds eat the seeds.Bottle Brush – Great nectar plant for bees, butterflies and HummingbirdsBrittlebush – The nectar and seeds are consumed by local wildlife and the shrub provides shelter for animals. Host for the Painted Lady and Bay checkerspot butterfly, a threatened species.Cape Honeysuckle – Nectar plant for Hummingbirds and bees.Cascalote – Nectar plant for bees, attracts hummingbirds.Chuparosa – Nectar source for Hummingbirds and bees. Host for Tiny Checkerspot, Texas Crescent, Pearl CrescentDalea spp – Host for Reakirt’s Blue, Southern dogface, Gray Hairstreak. Nectar plant for bees and butterflies.Desert Lavender – Nectar plant for bees. Host for the Gray Hairstreak butterflyDesert Marigold – Nectar plant. Host for Dainty Sulphur butterfly. Special value to native bees.Dogweed – Great nectar plant. Larval host for the Dainty SulphurEmu Bushes – Nectar plant for bees and hummingbirdsBuckwheat – Special value to native bees. Host for the Bernardino Dotted-Blue, Lupine Blue, Mormon Metalmark, Behr’s Metalmark, Nut-Brown Hairstreak, Ceraunus Blue, Rita Dotted Blue, Acmon Blue, Brown ElfVerbenas – Nectar plant and host for Fine-lined Sallow moth, Verbena mothLantana – Excellent nectar plant for bees and butterfliesMexican Honeysuckle (Justicia spicigera) – Attracts HummingbirdsPerennial Rockcress – Host for Spring White, Cabbage White, Desert Marble, Pearly Marble, Sara Orange Tip, Checkered WhiteSalvia spp – Cleveland Sage has Special value to native bees. Nectar source for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Host for Alfalfa Looper Moth (Autographa californica), Bilobed Looper Moth (Megalographa biloba), Wavy-Lined Emerald (Synchlora aerata), the geometrid Pherne subpunctata, and the plume moth Anstenoptilia marmarodactylaSpreading Fleabane – Host for Hooded Owlet moth, Flower mothSuperstition Mallow – Host for the Arizona Powdered Skipper, Northern White Skipper, Common Streaky Skipper, Common Checkered Skipper, several species of moth Please leave this field emptyOh, hi there! 👋It’s nice to meet you.Sign up to receive notifications of new content and sales. This field is required.We don’t spam or sell your info!Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.Share this:FacebookXWhatsAppPinterestRedditPrintLike this:Like Loading...Related Published by George@PW View all posts by George@PW