The best time to prune treesIn the low desert, tree pruning can be done almost year round, but here are the suggested best times to trim:Deciduous trees – winter dormancy (December through February)Citrus – after February to avoid frost damageConifers – winter dormancyNatives – summerMesquites: Spring or early summer to prevent damage from monsoon stormsPalo Verdes: Avoid summer pruning since they are sun sensitiveDon’t forget to sanitize your pruning equipment before use, and in between pruning different trees to prevent virus, vascular fungus and bacteria infections. Don’t prune at oozing cankers. You can use:70% isopropyl alcoholListerineLysolPine-SolFor more information on pruning:UofA Cooperative ExtensionKTAR Please leave this field emptyOh, hi there! 👋It’s nice to meet you.Sign up to receive notifications of new content and sales. This field is required.We don’t spam or sell your info!Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.Share this:FacebookXWhatsAppPinterestRedditPrintLike this:Like Loading...Related Published by George@PW View all posts by George@PW