Connecting Pollinator AreasIn urban areas, development has fragmented pollinator resources. Homeowners, renters, businesses and governments can all contribute to connecting these resources with patches, corridors and stepping stones.For terrestrial species, habitat loss and fragmentation represent the primary threats to biodiversity. Biodiversity simply means the variety of life on Earth. Humanity is highly dependent on biodiversity, because a diversity of flora and fauna supports healthy ecosystems, which provides humanity with services such as fresh water, soil health, pollination, and food, fibre and fuel production. Please leave this field emptyOh, hi there! 👋It’s nice to meet you.Sign up to receive notifications of new content and sales. This field is required.We don’t spam or sell your info!Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.Share this:FacebookXWhatsAppPinterestRedditPrintLike this:Like Loading...Related Published by George@PW View all posts by George@PW