Low Desert Blooms for Pollinators in February2023 is starting off as a promising wildflower bloom season in the desert, but what’s blooming in the garden as pollinators begin to celebrate the warmer weather? You may be surprised! Some of the following plants, by the book, are early to flower, but keep in mind that even small changes in elevation, sun exposure,Continue reading “Low Desert Blooms for Pollinators in February”
Musings from a Phoenix Pollinator Garden10june22 Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp, Bee Fly (genus Geron), Queen butterfly, White-winged Dove, Bee Fly, Fiery Skipper, Smoketree Sharpshooter. It’s been a hot week, with temps of 110 degrees F and above. Can’t remember the last time it rained, but forecasts are favoring an average to above average monsoon season this year, yay! In the meanContinue reading “Musings from a Phoenix Pollinator Garden”
Musings from a Phoenix Pollinator Garden7June22 Plants in the garden, and sharing plants from the neighbor’s garden Most urban and suburban lots are small relative to the natural tracts of native habitat, so there are limits to what we can plant, both in size and variety. And, it turns out, putting your yard into context with the nearest forage/host areaContinue reading “Musings from a Phoenix Pollinator Garden”
Musings from a Phoenix Pollinator Garden7June22 Blood-colored Milkweed Bug, Tarantula Hawk Wasp, Queen Butterfly, Ceraunus Blue Butterfly, Great Horned Owl The beauty of a pollinator garden is a two-edged wand: The reward of knowing you are contributing to the health of the ecosystem that you inhabit The treasure hunt of discovering the web of characters that visit your paradise InContinue reading “Musings from a Phoenix Pollinator Garden”
Musings from a Phoenix Pollinator GardenDesign: TJ’s framework drawing for pool and landscape. This is the third post in this series. You can read the first post here. Bucking the trend of right angle, manicured modern design, we decided to go with organic shapes to soften the landscape and align with the natural shape of the plants. Have we waitedContinue reading “Musings from a Phoenix Pollinator Garden”
Musings from a Phoenix Pollinator GardenDesign: North Side Yard Welcome back! This is the second installment in this series – in the previous post I presented the history of the project and the design considerations for the South Side Yard – you can view that post here. The side yard on the north side of the house has two separateContinue reading “Musings from a Phoenix Pollinator Garden”
Musings from a Phoenix Pollinator GardenJoin us for this series where we’ll cover a Phoenix Pollinator Garden from design to planting to pollinator observations.