White Ash

Fraxinus americana

White Ash, scientifically known as Fraxinus americana, is a stately deciduous tree native to North America. Renowned for its elegant compound leaves and distinctive gray bark, it is a valuable addition to landscapes and naturalized areas.

Flowers: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Origin: Native to the eastern and central regions of North America, from Nova Scotia to northern Florida and as far west as Minnesota and Texas.
Family: Oleaceae (Olive Family)
Size: Typically grows to a height of 50 to 80 feet (15 to 24 meters), with a spread of 40 to 50 feet (12 to 15 meters)
Sun: Thrives in full sun but can tolerate partial shade.
Watering: While it is moderately drought-tolerant once established, regular watering is important, especially for young trees and during prolonged dry spells.
Growth Rate: Medium
Soil: Prefers well-drained, fertile soil, but it can adapt to a variety of soil types, including clay and loam.
Pruning: Pruning should be minimal. Remove dead or damaged branches in late spring.
Disease and Pests: Susceptible, like many ashes, to a wide variety of disease and insect pests; these usually are not a problem to vigorously growing trees.
Uses: Larval host for the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Hickory Hairstreak (Satyrium caryaevorum), Mourning Cloak, Red-spotted Purple, Viceroy & Tiger Swallowtail. White Ash is valued for its graceful form, vibrant fall foliage, and adaptable nature. The seeds are a food source for various bird species, and the tree provides shelter for birds and small mammals. The wood of White Ash is highly prized for its strength, making it a favored choice for furniture and sports equipment.


Springtime Sanctuaries: The Importance of Leaving Stems for Pollinators

In the delicate dance of spring’s arrival, our gardens hold secrets of renewal. Among them, the steadfast sentinels of last year’s growth stand tall – the perennial and grass stems. While their outward appearance may suggest dormancy, within their midst lies a bustling ecosystem.

Many insects, including beneficial ones like bees, butterflies, and ladybugs, overwinter in the hollow stems of perennials and grasses. These stems provide shelter from harsh winter conditions, protecting them until spring.

The uncut perennial and grass stems also serve as valuable nesting material for various bird species. Birds, especially those that build cup-shaped nests, such as finches and sparrows, often seek out these stems. They will gather and weave them into their nests, providing a secure and insulated environment for their eggs and fledglings.

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