Southern ArrowwoodViburnum dentatumSouthern Arrowwood, scientifically known as Viburnum dentatum, is a versatile deciduous shrub native to North America. It is cherished for its clusters of creamy white flowers, vibrant blue-black berries, and attractive foliage..Flowers: J F M A M J J A S O N DOrigin: This shrub is native to eastern and central North America, ranging from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.Family: Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle family)Size: Typically grows to a height of 6 to 10 feet (1.8 to 3 meters) with a similar spread, forming a rounded, multi-stemmed habit.Sun: Full sun to shade. Watering: Regular watering, especially during dry spells or during fruit development, is important.Growth Rate:Soil: Well-drained, moderately fertile soil is ideal. It is adaptable to various soil types, including clay and sandy soils.Pruning: Prune for shape and structure in late winter or early spring. Remove dead or diseased branches as needed.Disease and Pests:Uses: Southern Arrowwood is a valuable resource for wildlife, providing nectar for pollinators and berries for birds. Its extensive root system makes it effective in stabilizing soil, making it a suitable choice for erosion-prone areas. Gamebirds, songbirds and small mammals. Attracts Eastern Bluebird, Northern Flicker, Gray Catbird, and American Robin.Notes: Suckers freely from the baseResourcesWildflower.orgSmart Plant TagsGardens and Landscapes: Transform your garden into a gallery of personalized narratives, providing valuable information to both seasoned gardeners and curious visitors.Public Spaces and Parks: Enhance the educational aspect of public spaces by introducing engraved tags. Create interactive learning experiences that engage and inform visitors about the diverse flora and fauna in the area.Commercial Landscapes: For businesses looking to add a touch of sophistication to their outdoor spaces, and to communicate your commitment to nature.Nature Reserves and Conservation Areas: Support conservation efforts by providing informative markers in nature reserves. Raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and conservation.Educational Institutions: Create interactive outdoor classrooms by incorporating our tags into educational institutions. Foster a love for nature and a thirst for knowledge among students of all ages.Create your custom tags today – available in our Shop!Share this:FacebookXWhatsAppPinterestRedditPrintLike this:Like Loading...