Snapdragon VineMaurandya antirrhinifloraSnapdragon Vine, also known as creeping snapdragon, Climbing Snapdragon and Purple Twining Snapdragon, is a delicate and drought-tolerant plant that can add both visual appeal and ecological value to an Arizona pollinator garden.Snapdragon Vine is a host plant for Common Buckeye butterfly larvae, and is also a valuable addition to a pollinator garden due to its nectar and pollen resources. By planting Snapdragon Vine, gardeners can support the populations of important pollinators and enhance the beauty of their garden.Flowers: J F M A M J J A S O N DStatus: NativeOrigin: Mexico, Southwest United StatesFamily: Scrophulariaceae (Figwort or Snapdragon family)Size: 3-6 feet longSun: Full to part shadeWatering: Moderate water, well-drained soilGrowth Rate: FastSoil: Well-drained soil, sandy or loamy soilTemperature: Foliage is hardy to 25 F, but root hardy to about 10 F.Pruning:Disease and Pests:Uses: Attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Larval host for the Common Buckeye butterfly. Foliage is a favorite of the desert tortoise.Notes: Purple or pink flowers. Blooms better with light.ResourcesSouthwest Desert FloraSpadefoot NurseryArizona-Sonora Desert MuseumWildflower.orgSmart Plant TagsGardens and Landscapes: Transform your garden into a gallery of personalized narratives, providing valuable information to both seasoned gardeners and curious visitors.Public Spaces and Parks: Enhance the educational aspect of public spaces by introducing engraved tags. Create interactive learning experiences that engage and inform visitors about the diverse flora and fauna in the area.Commercial Landscapes: For businesses looking to add a touch of sophistication to their outdoor spaces, and to communicate your commitment to nature.Nature Reserves and Conservation Areas: Support conservation efforts by providing informative markers in nature reserves. Raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and conservation.Educational Institutions: Create interactive outdoor classrooms by incorporating our tags into educational institutions. Foster a love for nature and a thirst for knowledge among students of all ages.Create your custom tags today – available in our Shop!Share this:FacebookXWhatsAppPinterestRedditPrintLike this:Like Loading...