Shrubby Indian Mallow

Abutilon abutiloides

Also known as Abutilon americanumAbutilon jacquiniiAbutilon lignosum.

Flowers: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Origin: AZ and TX on steep, rocky, south-facing canyons of desert mountains
Family: Malvaceae (Mallow family)
Size: 2-4′ tall and wide
Sun: Full or filtered sun
Watering: Weekly after the first year, more often for the first summer
Growth Rate: Moderate
Soil: Tolerant
Temperature: Hardy to 15 F.
Disease and Pests:
Uses: Larval Host for the Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak, Arizona Powdered Skipper, Northern White Skipper, Erichson’s White Skippers, Common Streaky Skipper, Common Checkered Skipper, Bird Dropping moth, Owlet moth, Crambid Seed moth


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