Lantana spp Trailing Lantana Lantana camara, Confiturilla, Tangerine, Irene, Carnival, Gold Mound, Radiation, Spreading Sunshine, Trailing Yellow
Aluminum laser engraved garden tag with web page scannable QR code: durable and slightly flexible with gloss black finish. Business Card size 3.4″ wide x 2.1″ tall
With a simple scan using your smartphone, you’ll unlock a whole new level of information and convenience. No more searching through countless books or websites to find details about your plants.
Each tag showcases the plant’s pollinator-attracting properties, ensuring you make informed choices when designing your garden. From native flowering plants to nectar-rich blooms, every plant tag becomes a symbol of support for our precious pollinators.
Imagine a world where every garden, school yard, and public space becomes an immersive and educational experience. A place where nature and knowledge intertwine to create stunning interpretive trails.
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