Pink FairydusterCalliandra eriophyllaKeystone Species – Many creatures depend on the nectar and seeds of this native shrub.Flowers: J F M A M J J A S O N DStatus: NativeOrigin: North America from southern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, eastern California (rarely distributed), Sonora and Baja California south into central Mexico at elevations above 1,500 feet.Family: Fabaceae (Leguminosae)Size: 3′ x 3′Sun: FullWatering: Moderate to lowGrowth Rate: ModerateSoil: Tolerant, though well drained is best. Foliar chlorosis is not uncommon in soils that are chronically wet.Temperature: Hardy to 10 degrees FPruning: None necessaryDisease and Pests:Uses: Nectar plant for native bees, butterflies and Hummingbirds. Provides seeds for birds (especially quail) and mammals. Host for Ceraunus Blue, Marine Blue, and Melipotis mothsNotes: ResourcesASU LibrarySouthwest Desert FloraU of A Campus ArboretumSmart Plant TagsGardens and Landscapes: Transform your garden into a gallery of personalized narratives, providing valuable information to both seasoned gardeners and curious visitors.Public Spaces and Parks: Enhance the educational aspect of public spaces by introducing engraved tags. Create interactive learning experiences that engage and inform visitors about the diverse flora and fauna in the area.Commercial Landscapes: For businesses looking to add a touch of sophistication to their outdoor spaces, and to communicate your commitment to nature.Nature Reserves and Conservation Areas: Support conservation efforts by providing informative markers in nature reserves. Raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and conservation.Educational Institutions: Create interactive outdoor classrooms by incorporating our tags into educational institutions. Foster a love for nature and a thirst for knowledge among students of all ages.You can purchase our tags at CactusShackStudio – check it out! Please leave this field emptyOh, hi there! 👋It’s nice to meet you.Sign up to receive notifications of new content and sales. This field is required.We don’t spam or sell your info!Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.Share this:FacebookXWhatsAppPinterestRedditPrintLike this:Like Loading...