Ocotillo Fouquieria splendensMore closely related to tea and blueberries than to cactuses, this spiny plant responds to local rainfall with a lush sprout of green leaves. Without supplemental irrigation the Ocotillo can look like spiny sticks during dry spells. Also referred to as Buggywhip, Coachwhip, Candlewood, Slimwood and Desert Coral.Flowers: J F M A M J J A S O N DStatus: NativeOrigin: Rocky soils and upslopes of the Sonoran and Chihuahuan DesertsFamily: FouquieriaceaeSize: 15′ – 20′Sun: FullWatering: Supplemental onlyGrowth Rate: ModerateSoil: Tolerant of a wide variety of soil typesTemperature: Hardy to 10 degrees FPruning: NoneDisease and Pests: Root rot if drainage is poorUses: Flower intensity and duration are related to the Hummingbird and carpenter bee pollinators. Host for the Calleta Silkmoth, Geometrid moths (family Geometridae), and Slug Caterpillar Moths (family Limacodidae)Notes: In addition to Fouquieria splendens, there are two other prominent species that are native to our North American deserts. Fouquieria macdougalii (Mexican ocotillo tree) is from Sonora and north Sinaloa, Mexico and is similar but much smaller to 6 feet in height and more cold sensitive than ocotillo. The other is the boojum tree.ResourcesPublic ASU WikipediaSmart Plant Tags Imagine a world where every garden, school yard, and public space becomes an immersive and educational experience. A place where nature and knowledge intertwine to create stunning interpretive trails. With a simple scan using your smartphone, you’ll unlock a whole new level of information and convenience. Products search Share this:FacebookXWhatsAppPinterestRedditPrintLike this:Like Loading...