False Tansy Aster Dieteria asteroidesDieteria asteroides, also known as mountain aster, Hairy golden aster, and hairy goldenweed produces masses of small, daisy-like flowers that are a favorite of bees and butterflies. The plant is drought-tolerant and adapts well to a variety of soil types.Also known as Machaeranthera asteroides, Aster amplifolius, A. canescens var. latifolius, A. canescens var. tephrodes and A. tephrodesFlowers: J F M A M J J A S O N DStatus: NativeOrigin: Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and WyomingFamily: AsteraceaeSize: 1-2 ft tall and wideSun: Full to part shadeWatering: Low to moderate watering needs, drought-tolerant once establishedGrowth Rate: ModerateSoil: Well-drained soils, tolerates poor soilsTemperature: Tolerates heat and drought, moderately frost tolerantPruning:Disease and Pests: Uses: Larval Host for Hooded Owlet moths, Flower moths. Nectar plant for bees and butterflies. Seeds for birds.Notes: ResourcesWater Use It Wisely Yavapai County Native & Naturalized Plants The Arizona Native Plant Society The American SouthwestSmart Plant Tags Imagine a world where every garden, school yard, and public space becomes an immersive and educational experience. A place where nature and knowledge intertwine to create stunning interpretive trails. With a simple scan using your smartphone, you’ll unlock a whole new level of information and convenience. Products search Share this:FacebookXWhatsAppPinterestRedditPrintLike this:Like Loading...