
Dalea spp

Daleas are a diverse group of plants that have delicate texture, provide wonderful winter to early spring color, and tolerate our hot summers. The nearly 200 species of these plants include trees, shrubs and groundcovers, many of which are native to the deserts of the Southwest. 

The pea-like flowers vary from purple to rose to yellow, and attract pollinating bees and butterflies. A variety of birds like quail, dove, and finches enjoy the seeds. -Xeriscape: Nature's Choice of Landscape
dalea pulchra 4x3 1 PollinatorWeb

Flowers: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Native
Origin: Found on gravelly slopes, 2,000 to 5,000 ft elevation in southeastern Arizona and northern Sonora.
Family: Fabaceae
Size: Typical nursery species are 1.5′ – 5′ tall
Sun: Full
Watering: Tolerates drought once established. Loses leaves when conditions are too dry.
Growth Rate: Medium
Soil: Prefers well drained, but tolerant of a variety of soil types
Temperature: Cold hardy to 15 degrees F
Pruning: With pruners to maintain shape
Disease and Pests: Root rot if drainage is poor
Uses: Host for Reakirt’s Blue, Southern dogface, Gray Hairstreak. Nectar plant for bees and butterflies.
Notes: Most of the recent introductions of daleas are groundcovers or shrubs that range in height from 1.5′ – 5′. Most common species are Dalea frutescens (Black Dalea), Dalea greggii (Trailing Dalea) and Dalea pulchra (Bush Dalea, pictured). Arizona has 32 species


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