
Țară cacalaco, Caesalpinia cacalaco

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Flowers: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Status: Near native
Origin: Latin America north into Central Mexico
Family: Fabaceae (Leguminosae)
Size: 15 – 25′
Sun: Full and reflected heat
Watering: Infrequent, deep watering
Growth Rate: Moderate
Soil: Tolerant
Temperature: Hardy to 18 F
Disease and Pests: Psyllid which is a tiny insect that sucks on the leaves causing the tree to lose its leaves. Look closely at the leaves and you will see little white dots and shiny honeydew on the leaves. The best method to take care of this problem is to diagnose it quickly and spray off the leaves with a strong jet of water every day to help prevent more leaf loss. 
Uses: Nectar plant for bees, attracts hummingbirds. Decorative red-brown seed pods
Notes: Briefly deciduous in spring after blooming. Thorny (except the ‘Smoothy’ cultivar)


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